David Sam

David Sam

Licensing: 829895

Hello everyone! My name is David Sam, I'm a new Real Estate Agent with the Neal&Neal Team. I'm originally from Midland, TX, where the oil & gas industry is the lifeblood of all things business. I worked in that field for almost 15 years, until my wife Stefanie and I made the life altering choice to move to San Antonio where she's originally from. We have now lived here for two years, and I have to say it's pretty cool seeing green grass, trees, and it rains more than 3 times a year. My amazing wife Stefanie Sam is a Loan Officer with Pilgrim Mortgage, so real estate is a heavy topic of conversation in our household. We have an amazing young boy named Patrick, who runs the roost and he knows it. He's our everything, and a giant driving force in both of our personal and business worlds. I'm incredibly thankful to be here, and I'm willing to work until the job is done and then some.

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